Fairford Primary School

Apple Class

Welcome to Reception! 

Our Reception children are taught in two classes – Apple (YR) and Pineapple (YR/Y1)

The teaching staff in Apple class are: Mrs Bullingham, Mrs Field, Mrs Indge and Mrs Crookes. 

The teaching staff in Pineapple class are Mrs Leighton, Mrs Hayward, Mrs Indge and Miss Hawkins.

On this page you will find some key information about Reception.

PE takes place for both classes on Fridays. All children will need to come to school wearing their PE
kit on Fridays.

Forest School will take place weekly for  Apple on Wednesday afternoons and for Pineapple
on Tuesday afternoons. On Forest School days, children will come to school wearing school uniform as usual (recommended trousers that day) Forest School kit will be put on
over the top. This is kept in school. We require 3 volunteers each week.

Forest School kit should include:
Waterproof trousers and jacket or all in one
Warm socks
Hat and gloves
(please send clothes according to the weather, extra layers in the winter and sun hat in the summer)

Phonics- In the Reception year, we teach Phonics daily using Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS).

Information sessions about this will be held in October. Every Friday, resources and books are
sent home for children to practise at home. It is the expectation that children read and practise their
phonic sounds and harder to read and spell words each day. Every child will be given a reading diary
for you to record their progress.

Bookbags- Bookbags should only be sent into school on Thursdays so that books and phonics materials can be changed ready to be sent home on Fridays.

Children will need to keep the following in school:
Forest School kit
Spare change bag containing a full change of clothes

In addition, please send your child with a named water bottle every day. Please do not put this in the
book bags as they can leak.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email us at apple24@fairford.gloucs.sch.uk or

Reception 2025 Open Days

Do you have a child who will be starting school in September 2025?

Join us for a school tour as we welcome parents to meet the EYFS team.

Thursday 14th November at 10:00am

To reserve a place please telephone the school on 01285 712543 or email school@fairford.gloucs.sch.uk.

Ofsted Outstanding Provider