Christian Vision

“I have written your name on the palms of my hands"

Actively learning together in a safe, happy environment shaped by the certainty that each individual is loved and known by God.

Explaining Our Distinctive Christian Vision

Our Christian vision guides us in all we do at our School. “I have written your name on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49;16 supports our work in school and the wider school community, as we learn and grow together, knowing we are all loved by God and are all known by him.

Staff and Governors serve the community of Fairford with humility and in doing so serve God. In all our decision-making we seek to do no harm, only good. We want our school to be a place where everyone flourishes and does their best for each other; where we all contribute to allow our school, our community and the world to flourish and where we are all celebrated, valued and loved for who we are. 

The Origin of Our Distinctive Christian Vision

The school is continuously adapting to meet the needs of all learners and our growing community. We have grown as a community; however, our distinctive Christian vision has
been a constant; allowing us to retain our core identity as a school – a place where each and every person understanding that they are loved and known by God and by the school community.

Although the school context is ever changing and becoming more challenging; this has served to reinforce the strength of our vision, as this emphasises the need to ensure that everyone is cared for and loved as an individual and is given the opportunity to flourish. In 2022, the vision was reviewed and was adapted to ensure it more accurately captured the spirit of the biblical text and how this was being lived out in the school. The vision now much more accurately reflects the theory and captures the practice.


Through our curriculum, we learn about God’s world, how to take care of it and protect it. To serve our community and help others, for in serving in each other we are serving God. We learn from the past in order to protect the future. We learn to value everyone, celebrating each other’s gifts and cherish one another. We support those children who struggle with
aspects of learning or behaviour by developing policies that protect and provide a safe space to learn and grow.

Our RE curriculum further allows the community to develop knowledge and faith, to share in God’s love and understand what it means to be a Christian. In learning about many faiths, we seek to find common ground, celebrate and respect each other as all are known by God
and loved by God.

Collective Worship

Through Collective Worship, we are provided with opportunities to find out more about God, to share stories, to pray together, to celebrate His love and to be guided in all that we do.
Spirituality isn’t something ‘we do’, it is what we feel through our shared experiences at school.


All are precious and valued at our school and our work is to enable everyone to flourish and achieve their full potential surrounded in God’s love. In order to achieve this, our policies reflect and are informed by our distinctive Christian vision – the most notable being: Equality and Diversity; Collective Worship; Religious Education; Spiritual, Moral, Social and Emotional Development, Behaviour and SEND.

Our Values

Our values underpin our vision and provide the ‘tools’ to live our vision in practice:

  • Perseverance – “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
  • Trust – “My God is my strength in whom I trust.” Psalm 18:2
  • Respect – “Do to others as you would have them to unto you” Matthew 7:12
  • Forgiveness – “Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
  • Friendship – “Encourage one another and build each other up.” Thessalonians 5:11
  • Thankfulness – “Always be thankful.” Thessalonians 5:16

Reception 2025 Open Days

Do you have a child who will be starting school in September 2025?

Join us for a school tour as we welcome parents to meet the EYFS team.

Thursday 14th November at 10:00am

To reserve a place please telephone the school on 01285 712543 or email

Ofsted Outstanding Provider