Our Vision & Values

“I have written your name on the palms of my hands"

Actively learning together in a safe, happy environment shaped by the certainty that each individual is loved and known by God.

Our Vision for the future:

To provide the best learning experience for children at our school through the pursuit of excellence both in our provision for the children in our care and responsibilities to our local community, our nation, and our world.

Our Aims are to: 

  • Provide a safe, caring, loving environment that promotes core Christian and British values in our children, preparing them for their next school and in later life. We aim to equip them with the self-esteem, confidence, respect, resilience and tolerance to be responsible and contributing members of a global society.
  • Develop a school that is at the heart of its community; a place where children can experience life in all its fullness.
  • Inspire and achieve; enabling a culture of outstanding attainment and progress for our children whilst challenging and supporting all in their learning.

Our Values:

We believe in:

  • Promoting Christian values in our school community; perseverance, respect, trust, thankfulness, forgiveness and friendship
  • providing our children, staff and parents with a caring school
  • inspiring passion and pride in learning amongst our pupils supported by their parents
  • nurturing a desire, drive and motivation to learn throughout our school community
  • leading by example on trust and honesty
  • fulfilling our Vision Statement: Isaiah 49:16 “I have written your name on the palms of my hands”, “Actively learning together in a safe, happy environment shaped by the certainty that each individual is loved and known by God.”

Our Approach:

We will achieve our vision by:

  • Constantly striving to adopt best practice in teaching and learning both within school and in partnership with other schools and educational establishments
  • retaining and enhancing our high calibre and dedicated team of staff – providing an environment that supports and develops its employees, delivering outstanding leadership, teaching and learning, safeguarding and care across the school
  • ensuring that all decisions are made prioritising and maintaining the best possible outcomes for our children at all times
  • a school-wide focus on accelerating pupils’ progress and learning in all areas such that every child is enabled to achieve their full potential
  • maximising best use of our inspiring outdoor space and facilities through a diverse offering of sports, recreational and cultural activities during and after school hours that help to develop healthy, active and creative children
  • recognising our special relationship with the Diocese and local church, the PTA, our local community, and enhancing the role of the school locally
  • developing strategic partnerships with other schools and educational establishments to drive school improvement and increase leadership capacity, staff development and budget efficiencies required to meet our vision
  • integrating our equality and behaviour policies in all we do, to promote tolerance, respect and an understanding of physical, cultural and spiritual diversity
  • a focus on partnership and two-way communication with pupils’ families, to fully engage them in their children’s education and school life and enlist their support of the school.


Vision Statement agreed at a meeting of the Full Governing Body on 13th December 2022.

Reception 2025 Open Days

Do you have a child who will be starting school in September 2025?

Join us for a school tour as we welcome parents to meet the EYFS team.

Thursday 14th November at 10:00am

To reserve a place please telephone the school on 01285 712543 or email school@fairford.gloucs.sch.uk.

Ofsted Outstanding Provider