A warm Welcome to
Fairford C of E
Primary School
“I have written your name on the palms of my hands"
Isaiah 49:16
Actively learning together in a safe, happy environment shaped by the certainty that each individual is loved and known by God
We are a caring school and committed to the highest possible standards of learning and teaching. We gain strength from living out our Christian Vision enabling children, staff and our community to develop a love of learning, a spirit of enquiry and a determination to be successful.
We promote active learning through our creative curriculum and a passion of reading for enjoyment. We want every child to flourish, be happy and feel safe. We develop the whole child by providing opportunities for children to find their passions, explore learning in its fullness and care for each other and our world.
Fairford C of E Primary School would like to propose reducing their Published Admission Number (PAN) with effect from September 2026. You can find out more here – https://haveyoursaygloucestershire.uk.engagementhq.com/fairford-primary-school-consultation