Introduction to the Governing Body
School Governors
Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.
Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools and appoint the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and who work with the head teacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.
Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing body.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one; its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher (a critical friend)
The Head Teacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing board.
Source; – NGA
Fairford Church of England Primary School Governing Body
Our governing body is made up of 14 Governors:
4 Co-opted Governors
1 Local Authority Governor
3 Foundation Governors
1 Staff Governor
4 Parent Governors
Associate Members- number can vary
Clerk to Governors
Note: Associate Members ONLY have voting rights for the committees on which they serve.
All governors sit on the Full Governing Body and one or two committees. The Governing Body has three Committees; Curriculum & Standards, Resources and Christian Vision Committee. All committees are responsible for writing and reviewing policies assigned to the GB and contributing to, agreeing and monitoring the School Development Plan. All governors contribute to the School’s Self Evaluation.
The Governing Body is fully committed to maintaining the highest standards of Safeguarding. It is reported at all meetings and the policy and audit monitored and tracked by the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
It also committed to the highest standards of Data protection as outlined in General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which is reported at Full Governing Body meetings.
Governor Training is accessible to all governors on-line and annual on-site training organised for the entire GB. There is an Induction and Mentoring system for all new governors.
The Governing body recognises and celebrates Pupil Voice and representative from the pupils are invited to make presentations and ask questions at Governors’ meetings and meet with individual Governors throughout the year.
At all committee meetings the head teacher gives a detailed report on the School Development Plan and progress made in achieving targets outlined in it. School achievement data is scrutinised and questioned,
The Full Governing Body meets 6 times a year. At each meeting there is a detailed report from the Head Teacher on Standards of Achievement and all aspects school life.
Any Health & Safety issues are discussed and Committee Chairs report on any significant developments in their areas.
There is an update on Governor training and Governor visits. Annually the Governing Body Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Policy is reviewed and signed by individual Governors. The GB also undertakes Self Assessment task and from the results plan future changes and training.
Items from the Committees are brought to the GB for final approval; Pay Policy, Staff Discipline policy, SEND report & policy, Performance Management report, Safeguarding & Child protection policy and audit report, Schools Financial Value Statement, Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy and Data protection policy. The GB also oversee the establishment of a Pay Panel and appoints an auditor for School Fund. They approve the School Fund and final Budget Plan and the Year-end final accounts are reported.
The Christian Vision Committee (CVC). This has members from the GB and Staff members. It meets 3 times a year. The main function of the committee is to support, advise and challenge the Head Teacher and Governing Body on matters relating to the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a Church of England school and the impact which this has on the pupils and the whole school community.
The committee is responsible for evaluating the impact of the school’s distinctive Christian ethos on the HT’s & GB vision for the school. They monitor the pupil’s achievement, attendance, well-being, personal development, and the effectiveness of opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development across the curriculum and school.
The committee looks at ways in which collective worship has a positive impact on school life and opportunities for pupils to participate in planning, leading and evaluating collective worship. They discuss and review the school’s policies on Collective Worship and RE. They contribute to discussions on the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning in RE.
They discuss and monitor the types of partnership developed between the school and other communities, including, parents, the Parish Church, the Diocese and worldwide communities and monitor the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools through the SIAMS tool kit.
The Curriculum & Standards Committee meets 4 times a year and monitors and challenges educational standards and results. They consider strategic forward planning influencing the future policy and direction of the School, including the curriculum. They also oversee and ensure respective subject action plans that are prepared and updated as necessary and that the curriculum meets the needs of all learners.
The committee monitors the effective process of Governor visits to the School, including ensuring visit reports are recorded and filed. They ensure the School meets requirements in respect of Special Educational Needs including reviewing the policy and tracks effective spending of the Pupil Premium. It monitors and contributes to the School Self Evaluation. The committee is also responsible for tracking and overseeing all aspects of Child Protection and Safeguarding. They review the Policy and Annual Safeguarding audit and follow up any changes required. The committee tracks pupil attendance and reviews the policy.
This committee is responsible for checking the School Website meets statutory regulations and looks at the development of the content. They oversee ways of promoting the school, the role of the School in the community and Public Relations. They are responsible for the school’s policies on Sex and Relationships, EYFS and the Home School Agreement. They discuss and review the school’s policies on Attendance, Equality, School Discipline and Complaints Procedures.
The Resources Committee meets 4 times a year and is concerned with all aspects of finance, premises and staffing.
This committee formulates and recommends for approval by the GB a first formal budget plan and develops a 3-year financial plan. They monitor expenditure and make decisions necessary for effective running of the School’s finances during the year. They ensure financial reporting requirements of the School’s Financial Value Standard are fulfilled within timescales and to appropriate standards.
The committee draft and review staffing structure, appointment procedures in consultation with HT and oversee and review the schools Performance Management policy and Pay Policy. They consider strategic forward planning influencing the future of major school facilities and ground developments and the provision of extended schools. They oversee the school’s arrangements for meeting environmental standards.
The committee oversees and monitors compliance with all Health and Safety procedures and regulations, including maintenance of buildings and grounds and capital expenditure projects. They review the Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions arrangements and policy.
Safeguarding issues, chiefly under Health and Safety are also monitored. They oversee catering and cleaning contracts and the School & Traded Services. The committee reviews the all Staffing Policies and Data Protection.