I joined the governing body as an Associate Member representing EYFS in January 2021 after 3 years of teaching at Fairford Primary School and as a Staff Governor from January 2022.
My teaching career began in 1995 in a school in Stroud followed by positions in Gloucester, Cheltenham, Bredon and Winchcombe-26 years has flown by! In my 26 years, I have taught in a range of schools and all year groups in the Primary range but Reception has always been my preferred year group. Prior to teaching at Fairford, I was an Early Years Moderator and a Glos Ed leader for Early Years for the Local Authority and had been an Early Years Lead for the previous 8 years at my previous school. I was excited to join the Fairford team in September 2018 as EYFS Phase Lead with the EYFS new build imminent and the amalgamation with Fairford Pre-School – what a wonderful opportunity!
I believe our school is a very special place which offers wonderful opportunities both for our children and for the people who work with them: it really is a special place to work. I am thankful that I am able to give back to this wonderful community through my role asStaff Governor.